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What's On This Week

Upcoming Events

We are only just starting to reintroduce club training and events in to our schedule, but we will be updating this as and when restrictions allow.



Pool Swim 2024

17-12-2024 8:30 pm -9:30 pm
£3 (£5 Non-Members)
Pool Swim 2024


  • Pre-Booking Recommended (with waiting list if full)
  • Day: Every Tuesday evening
  • Time: 20:30 – 21:30 (in the pool)
  • Venue: St James Swimming Pool, King’s Lynn. PE30 1NY
  • Cost: £3 KLTC members, £5 non members
  • The pool is 25m with a depth of 0.9m at the shallow end and 3.4m at the deep end.


This session is one of our staple training sessions and is tailored across the year to compliment the triathlon season, especially in the build up to popular races.
During November, we go back to basics to give everyone a chance to identify their weaknesses, work on technique and get the basic right.

Don't worry if you're still a bit rusty in the pool, we accommodate all ranges of pace, stamina and experience - we just ask that you can confidently swim 100m without rest.

What Kit will you need to bring?

While we still need to limit the amount of kit our swimmers bring poolside, our sessions make regular use of pull buoys for drills, but also fins and paddles from time to time. If you don't have a pull buoy already, they are available to buy at the pool,town and online but we do have some you can borrow and most drills are able to be performed without any kit (they can be a bit be more tiring though). We would also suggest you bring a filled named water bottle with you and ask that you do not share bottles.

You must be able to confidently swim 100m front crawl without significant rest and unaided

We would like to welcome those struggling with front crawl with open arms but, while we can accommodate a range of swim paces, this is not a learn-to-swim session. We do hold special "learn to front crawl" sessions from time to time so please let us know if you would be interested in these. In the meantime, we ask that swimmers are at least able to confidently swim 100m front crawl without significant rest and unaided.

Online pre-booking RECOMMENDED

An online pre-booking system is so that our coaches have access to everyone's details before the session, and to avoid members turning up and hanging around in the hope there is a space available. It is possible to cancel your registration online up to the day before the session and we operate a waiting list so that if somebody does cancel, the swimmer on the top the list will be automatically offered the slot via email - we have no control of who is at the top of the list btw, it is in the order of registration. We prefer online payments at time of registering (+24p processing fee), but if choosing to pay in person, please bring exact change is possible but out coached do also have QR codes for you you to scan and pay using your phone via Apple/Google pay.

Arrival at the pool

Please arrive 5-10mins before the session begins and head to the viewing area where the coach(es) will welcome you and have a brief chat if it is your first time in the pool with us, or if you have any concerns. Pool access has now through the normal entrance and both lockers and changing facilities are available but they can still be busy as West Norfolk Swimming Club have the session before us. It is possible to stash your clothe poolside if you prefer.

Exiting the pool

We have use changing facilities and showers. The pool staff try to shut promptly but are too polite to chuck us out so if you have any questions for our coaches then please try and arrive a little early and ask before the session if possibe.
