King’s Lynn Triathlon Club's Ian Kidman, Juliette Meek, and Steve Bowdery took on the Outlaw Nottingham. This event featured the full triathlon distance, which is widely considered one of the most difficult one-day sporting events in the world. | |
Kidman, Meek, Bowdery
Since first launching in 2010, the original Outlaw Triathlon has won numerous awards and has grown into one of the UK’s most iconic long-distance triathlons. Despite growing in size and stature over the years, Outlaw has retained its friendly, welcoming, and inclusive environment. Whether you break a course record or finish at 11 pm, everyone is guaranteed to receive a hero's welcome when they cross the finish line. Also ensuring there’s a family atmosphere through the inclusion of run and swim events that children and family members can take part in during the event weekend. As well as being a very accessible course, the start, swim, transition, and much of the run (including the finish) are conveniently located at the National Water Sports Centre. This full distance (140.6 Miles) saw the trio completed a 2.4 miles swim taking place in the Regatta Lake, with participants setting off as the sun rises before exiting out to a short transition and off on the fast and flat 112mile bike ride utisiling partially closed roads with only one notable climb at mile 50 to test the legs. Back to the last transition and ‘only’ the full marathon distance run of 26.2miles to the finish line.
Bowdery, Meek
First over the line for KLTC was Kidman debuting at this distance with 13:49:40. Meek, also her first full distance 14:28:05, seasoned Ironman Bowdery event didn't go to plan but ‘enjoyed’ time on the course. Unfortunately, not everything always goes to plan on race day as Kidman explains his very own journey. "I was feeling super fit and ready for the full distance until 10 days before when I contracted covid. I thought I got over it quite quickly and felt fine on the start line" " The swim went to plan nice and steady saving energy for later. The first 2 hours on the bike were great, averaging 21mph my race was looking good. Then boom! the covid caught up with me, I just couldn't catch my breath and biked to a complete standstill. Thankfully a lovely lady helped me with a couple of paracetamol and a pep talk and got me moving again" "What then prevailed was the hardest cycle ride of my life, but I made it back. Straight out to the run/walk and I managed to run slowly for a few miles stopping at every feed station until around halfway when I couldn't breathe again but aided by a fellow competitor I made it across the finish line"
Kidman 'Event photo gold'
" I was 2 plus hours slower than expected but I made it and was over the moon. The whole event had fantastic supporters, event crew, and an awesome atmosphere" | |