This early season event was a great way to start your season, be it a seasoned athlete or a first-timer.
Blackwell tackled the sprint distance beginning with a 412m pool-based swim before a 2 lap 20k bike ride course around the surrounding area finishing with the 4.5k out and back run.
Blackwell was placed 2nd in his age cat with a total time of 1.11.42.
Blackwell quotes,
“Early 5 am start on the road to get there with it raining cats and dogs. Everything was soaked in transition before the race began. I might as well swam in full kit. The swim was 18 lengths of the 23m pool in one lane only and I got stuck behind people. The field was muddy from the constant rain getting from the pool to transition”. “Donned my jacket and socks, which I don't normally do but it was so cold. 2 loops on the bike went OK, the rain never stopped, the run was a nice little out and back with 2 loops of the soggy field “. “These are not excuses at all as everyone faced the same conditions. The main thing is I almost didn't do it due to the cold weather after I racked my bike. It was a great triathlon for new people, a lot there were new who I could advise/help. Bring on better weather and I will continue to work on my swimming”
“As we always say about early triathlons, never again. Summer for me from now on”.