Well the weekend just blew by (get it? ...because of the strong winds?...no? .... alright then).
Congratulations go to Jemma Red for completing the MK half marathon in a shade under 2 hours 15 minutes ...a PB!!
Congratulations also go to Lola Kidman who in her dad's words .... smashed junior parkrun. She produced an amazing 8 minutes 32 seconds and came in in second place. Whats even more impressive is that it wasn't even a PB. So she can run even faster !!! I have said it before and i will say it again.... future Olympian.
Whilst that is it for the competitive side of things there was an excellent training duathlon organised by our head coach Jess Cunningham. The long course consisted of a nice hilly 10.5 km run around Wolferton followed by a very windy 40 km ride out past Sandringham (or for some Sherborne.... mentioning no names) and capped off with another 8 km hilly run. The shorter route gave people the opportunity to complete run laps and bike laps to their own choice of distance and it was great to see the newer faces coming along to have a go. As this was such a success there is potential to hold more of the same in the future .... Keep an eye on our facebook page for training updates and information.
KLTC Chairman