With the Open Water Swimming season quickly approaching I want to take the opportunity to remind you all of the importance of making sure you are insured.
When training as a member of KLTC at any of our official club sessions you are covered under the affiliated club insurance with BTF. This covers you even if you are not a BTF member.
However the affiliated insurance does not cover you for racing or individual training outside of official sessions. It is important that when racing you ensure that you purchase a day licence. This normally costs £5 and to be honest, if it is an official BTF race then this is mandatory. It is also just as important to ensure you are covered if you attend a none KLTC training session. For example swimming at a none KLTC OWS session or even running/ cycling on your own.
Dont just assume that the organisers have suitable insurance. What exactly are you paying for? Is there sufficient safety cover in place? This is why KLTC charge an additional £2 for non-members at our OWS & pool sessions to in effect allow people to join the club for the session.
The only way to ensure you are sufficiently insured, no matter where you train or who you train with, is to join the BTF as a member. As of the 4th March 2019 there are new catagories of membership available. For more information go to www.britishtriathloninsurance.co.uk/members.
As always
Safe training
KLTC Chairman