Kings Lynn Triathlon club continued its run of podium finishes last weekend. Jamie Sparrow and Dan Guppy were both in Peterborough for the Monster Mojito. The swim had to be shortened to 1.2km because of the cold, but the 38km bike and 10km run were even colder. Sparrow won his AG and finished 4th overall in 2hrs03min.
Janey Edwards finished 2nd in her AG (12th Overall) in the 400m/24km/5km Tewksbury Sprint Triathlon, however John Edwards demonstrated that a little bit of bad luck goes a long way, starting with a visit from the puncture fairy.
In this year’s GEAR 10Km. Simon Hardy finished 57th overall in 39min31, Paul Terreros (40min36), Steven Bowdery (46min16), David Hicks(54min52), Jemma Redhead and Jenna Gotts ran together in 55min03. Alex Gaunt made a welcome return after injury to finish in 55min22. Out on two wheels at the weekend, Andy Littler completed the Spring Tour De Broads and on Monday, Redhead followed up her 10km PB with a half-marathon PB (2hrs08min) in Milton Keynes.
The weekend also heralded the start of the club’s popular open water swim sessions, being held at the sailing club on the relief channel every Sat morning. The chilly wind did little to deter the swimmers, who were rewarded with the relative warmth of the river (and cake). Details of open water swimming can be found on the club’s website
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